
Board of Directors | Committees
Governing Docs | Rules & Regulations

Board of Directors

Board of Directors Meetings 2024- by Zoom at 7 pm

  • January 17
  • February 21
  • March 20
  • April 17
  • May 15
  • June 19 - (optional)
  • July 17
  • August 21 (optional)
  • September 25 
  • October 16 - (optional)
  • November 21 - Annual Meeting and BOD
  • December 18

For minutes of past meetings, Click Here (Note: Must log in to TownSq to view)

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Architectural Review (ARC):  Review exterior change applications and assist in making design guidelines recommendations. Meetings occur on the first Tuesday of most months at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. Information & Meeting Minutes (Note: Must log in to TownSq to view)

Covenants: This committee shall ensure compliance with the Governing Documents and foster harmony within the Property through reasoned and impartial adjudication of violations. Meetings occur on the first Thursday of most months at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Information & Meeting Minutes (Note: Must log in to TownSq to view)

Pool and Recreation:  This committee shall ensure the pool is a pleasant and safe place for all residents. The committee also reviews the recommendations for pool rules and amenity policies. Meetings occur on the first Monday of most months at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Information & Meeting Minutes (Note: Must log in to TownSq to view)

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Governing Documents

To access CTC HOA governing documents, click here (Note: Must log in to TownSq to view).

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Resolutions, Rules & Policies

For information regarding parking, commercial vehicles, and trash, click here (Note: Must log in to TownSq to view).

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